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ideCAD Architectural - Structural - Complete AEC Platform

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ideCAD Structural

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ideCAD One AEC

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At a glance The Most Innovative Multidisciplinary Building Information Modeling Platform for Architectural and Structural modeling , and detailing. The Most Innovative Multidisciplinary Building Information Modeling Platform for Structural modeling , structural analysis, structural design and detailing. The Most Innovative Multidisciplinary Building Information Modeling Platform for Architectural and Structural modeling , structural analysis, structural design and detailing.
Pricing Options
Trial License (No Time Limit) Free Free Free
Perpetual License - Pay one-time and use lifetime $ 4560 $ 8845 $ 9900
Technical Support, Updates, and Fixes for Perpetual License $ 912 $ 1710 $ 1980
Subscription for Three Years - Including Support and Updates $ 2135 $ 3390 $ 3800
Deployment and installation
Standalone Installation
Network deployment
Key features of ideCAD
Parametric Components
Personalization and Customization
Architectural Visualization
Structural Steel Modeling
Reinforced Concrete Modeling
Steel Connection Modeling
Analytically Driven Modeling
Structural Analysis
Reinforced Concrete Design
Structural Steel Design
3D Analysis and Design Visualization
Reinforced Concrete Detailing
Structural Steel Detailing
Integrated Architectural Modeling
Loadable family components (Doors, windows.)
Curtain walls
Ceilings, floors, zones
Exterior Veneer
Rooms and areas
Site modeling
Stairs and ramps
Libraries and furnishings
Domes, vaults
3D Geometric Objects
3D Text
Railing, Baluster and Handrail
Integrated Structural Modeling
Concrete Columns
Steel Columns
Concrete Beams
Steel Beams
Secondary Steel Beam
Column Drop Panel
Structural Walls
Waffle Slabs
Composite Beams
Flat Slabs
Raft Foundations
Strip and single footings
Space Trusses
Sag Rod
Steel Braces
Steel Purlins
Cranes and Crane Beams
Steel Connection Modeling
Industrial Buildings
Well foundations
Grade Beams
Retaining Wall
Steel Joists
Automatic interaction of steel connections
Integrated Structural Features with Architecture
Integrated Structural Analysis
Integrated RC Design
Integrated Steel Design
Integrated Steel Connection Design
Supported Internationals Design Codes & Standards
EN 1991-1-4
TSC 2007 (TBDY 2007)
TSC 2018 (TBDY 2018)
TSC 2016 (Steel Design)
TSC 2016 (Steel Connection Design)
BCP SP 2007
NSCP 2015
DPT 1302-61
SNI 1726:2019
UBC 97
ASCE 7-16 Seismic Design
ASCE 7-16 Strength-Based Design
ACI 318-19 Concrete Design
AISC 360-16 Structural Steel Design
AISC 360-16 Connection Design
AISC 341-16 Seismic Provisions
AISI S100-12 Cold formed Steel Design for Purlins
EC 3 Structural Steel Design
Automated Seismic Design Requirements
International seismic standards
Automated seismic load calculations
Enhanced diaphragm choices
Automated structural irregularity Check
Retrofitting capabilities
Seismic Design of reinforced concrete structures
Seismic Design of steel structures
Earthquake ground motions and design response spectrum
Story drift determination
P-delta effects
Seismic separation joints
Strength-Based Design
Modal response spectrum analysis
Seismic analysis for nonstructural components
Special reinforced concrete elements
Ordinary reinforced concrete elements
Special steel elements
Ordinary steel elements
Seismic Design for Steel Connections
Architectural and Structural Modeling for Industrial Buildings
Two bay portal frame
Multi bay frame
Lattice structures
Portal frame with internal mezzanine floor
Crane portal frame with column brackets
Mono-pitch portal frame
Propped portal frame
Curved rafter portal frame
Cellular beam portal frame
Crane actions
Vertical bracing
Plan bracing
Column bases
Purlin, Tie, and Sheeting
Advanced Structural Modeling
Reinforcement, Rebar modeling
Intuitive and interactive modeling with physical objects
Integrated RC, Steel and Composite modeling in one central 3D model
Free modeling with Steel Frame Members
Purlin Insertion between truss and beam members
Create Custom Trusses with Truss Editor (or import Trusses from DXF files)
Convert free frame members to Trusses
Easy to use steel profile selection and extensive database
Modelling of corewalls with any Irregular shapes
Creating multiple openings in shearwalls
Creating multiple openings in infill walls
Inserting partial infill walls
Inserting multiple infill walls by two points
Setting anchor points for column and beam sections
Flexible modelling with dynamic input system
Slab Openings with irregular shapes
Slab drops with rectangular, circular or irregular shapes
Modelling basement walls
Modelling retrofit walls
Modelling Column Jacketts for retrofit purposes
Merging different models into one single model
Shearwall group definition
Adding short shearwall to the shearwall group
Geometry Controls
Rotate structure with one command
User-defined external load in user-defined Triangle, Smooth Trapezoidal, Axial etc. shapes
User Defined Loading
Pile modeling with raft foundations
Integration of stairs into the structure
Fast modeling with rich macros
Multiple editing on connections
Clash checks for steel structures
Steel connection modeling in fast mode
Point slab load and linear slab loads
Soil and hydrostatic loads on shear walls
Structural Steel Connections
Double Angle
Single Plate
Unstiffened Seated
End Plate Shear
Single Angle
T Plate
4 Bolts Unstiffened End Plate
4 Bolts Stiffened End Plate
8 Bolts Stiffened End Plate
Bolted Flange Plate
Welded Web
Welded Flange Plate
Splice Connection
Joining Plates Splice
Brace Center
Brace Corner
Base connection
Flange Plate
Stiffened Shear Plate
Eaves Haunch
Multi Stiffener Plate
Multi Stiffener Plate (Horizontal)
Welded Box/Tube
Seating Support
Notched Seating
Spacer Plate
Köşebentli dirsek birleşimi (Tali kirişler için)
Box/Tube End Plate
Box/Tube Splice
Continuous Beam
Column-Column End Plate Splice
Seating Weld
Single Plate Seating
Double Plate Seating
Box/Tube Seating
Apex Type Connection
Purlin Connection
Girt Connection
Column-Column Connection (Built Up Column)
Simple Base Plate
Rigid on Strong Axis Base Plate
Rigid on Both Axis Base Plate
Tube Base Plate
Round Plate Tube Base Plate
Welded Connection
Box/Tube Cap Plate
Column-Beam Stiffened End Plate Connection
End Plate Truss Connection
Seating Truss Connection
Crane Connection
End Plate Truss Connection for Box/Tube
Quad Stiffener plate
Stiffened End Plate connection
Eaves Haunch
Presentation and Visualization
Sketch mode
Shadows and Ambient Shadows
Realistic view styles
Orthographic and perspective views, walk-throughs
Occlusion Culling
Photorealistic Materials
Visualization of Analysis Results
3D visualization of data entries
Visualization of Design Results in 3D perspective
Visualization of deficiencies in 3D perspective
Export analysis-design results and reports to Excel
2D detail lines, 2D detail components
Revision tracking
Dimensioning, tagging, Annotation, and Text
Fully integrated engineering calculation reports.
Ordered set of reports for different project submissions
Integration of externally created documents with the built-in reports
Automatic table of contents, smart notifications
Documentation integrated with the program interface (from the structure tree)
Visual aided account printouts describing cause and effect relationship
Layout Design
Collaboration with Other Architectural and Structural Software
Coordinate with other disciplines using IFC files (Import and Export)
Import 2D or 3D DXF Files and convert 2D and 3D CAD entities to intelligent structural members
Share analysis model with general analysis and design software
Export 3D steel models to industry leading platforms
Publish all detail drawings to well-known DXF and DWG formats
Convert all engineering reports to PDF formats
Export to Tekla .dmp
Export to Sap2000 .s2k
Export to 3DS
Export to CSICOL
Ribbon Menu
Classic Menu
Interface customizations
2D drafting, drawings, and documentation
3D modeling and visualization
Customize the ribbon menu and tool palettes
Create and edit 2D geometry
Create and edit 3D models with solids, surfaces, and mesh objects
Apply and monitor CAD standards
Command Line
Command customizations
Strcuture Tree
Integrated 2D CAD Editor, annotation, and documentation
Revision clouds
DWG and image references
Smart dimensioning
Ribbon tabs
Tool palettes
Command line
Layer Management
Ellipse and Elliptical Shapes
Raster Image
Pattern Path
Automated Analytical Modeling
Fully automated state-of-the-art 3D Finite Element Model
FE Frame elements with automatic rigid zones and end releases
Shell element modelling for shearwalls with adaptive meshing ability
Integrated floor meshing in structural analysis
Advanced options for rigid and semi-rigid diaphragms
Diaphragm controlling options for different storeys
Automatic cropping of column outlines from FE mesh
Seismic Analysis Wizard
Multi-stage analysis of structural systems with slab without beam (Flat slab analysis)
Two-stage or Single-stage analysis options for Structures with basement
Automatically detected openings
State-Of-The-Art Structural Analysis Methods
3D linear elastic analysis under vertical and lateral loads
3D Nonlinear analysis under vertical and lateral loads
Equivalent Lateral Load analysis for seismic design
Modal Response Spectrum Analysis (RSA) for seismic design
Eigenvalue and ritz vektor analysis
Different direction of seismic loadings
Cracked and uncracked section properties in the same analysis
Automatic two-stage analysis with basements
Automatic calculation of vertical earthquake effects
Gradient and equal temperature difference analysis
Automatic calculation of wind loads
Construction stage analysis
Soil structure interaction
Seismic isolators
P-Delta analysis for second-order effects
Euler Buckling Analysis
Dome analysis and drawings
Ground motion scaling
Vault analysis
Structural analysis with static or dynamic eccentricity methods
Linear Response History Analysis
Design of Floor Systems and Load Decomposition
Design of slabs with analytical methods
Finite Element analysis and design of slabs under gravity loading
Automatic Finite Element Slab Load Decomposition
Fully automated state-of-the-art 3D Finite Element Model
FEM Based Slab Design
Deflection Check
Punching Shear Check
3D analysis of in-plane and out-of-plane effects with shell finite elements
In-plane tensile pressure and shear stress check
Reinforced Concrete Design
Design of reinforced concrete structural members
Automatic punching shear check
Shearwall reinforcement design with shell element
Slab reinforcement design with shell elements
Design of RC slabs
Grouping of RC beams for design
Auto-containment of rectangular, circular and irregular shaped columns
Auto-containment of rectangular walls and irregular shaped core-shearwalls
Design and detailing of dowels for retrofit walls
Design and detailing of corbels
Design and detailing of stairs
Design and detailing of pools
Balanced reinforcement ratio control
Control of deformations and internal forces for new structures
Capacity diagrams
Moment-curvature analysis
Ability to watch reinforcement placement in 3D with real view
Seismic design check of reinforced concrete structural elements
Automated steel bar layout and selection
Reinforced conrete waffle slab design
Reinforced conrete ribbed slab design
Flat slab design
Punching shear design
Isolated footings design
Strip footing Design
Raft and piled raft foundation
Retaining wall and well foundation design
Friction shear design for columns and shear walls
Axial load and biaxial bending interaction design for beams
Fully Automated Reinforced Concrete Detailing
Automatic preview of RC details
Fully automatic detailed drawings
Automatic sheet and drawing management
Dynamic quatity tables and automatic change management
Manual drafting with intelligent rebars and detailing items
2D Component design and 2D detailing library
Automated RC Detail Drawings, Sheet Management & Manual Drafting
Automated Seismic & Ductile Detailing
Design and Detailing of Pools
Comprehensive Engineering Library
Steel Design
Design of steel columns and beams
Design of steel purlins, girts and braces
Steel design in accordance with AISC (LRFD, ASD), EC3
Automatic Vertical Deflection Check for Steel Members
Automatic design of steel connections
FE Analysis and Design of Steel Facade Scaffolds
Composite beam design in floor with trapezoidal sheet and solid sheet
Design of steel joints in accordance with AISC
Automatic design in accordance with plastic design rules in simple shear and moment connections specified in TBDY 2018 Annex 9B
Crane beam design
Castellated Steel beam design
Cold formed steel design for steel purlins
Reinforcement Detailing
Fully Automated Steel Detailing
Automatic connection design and detailing
Creation of connections manually with powerful modelling tools
Insertion of checker plates and grid systems
Fast insertion of stair treads
Automated insertion of handrails
Design check reports for steel connections
General arrangement drawings for steel structures
Powerful clash checks and model auditing for fabrication
Comprehensive part and assembly numbering options
Fully automatic assembly and part drawings
Automatic generation of general construction drawings
Automatic sheet optimization
Ability to obtain drawings of only selected elements
Column anchorage drawings
Application plan drawings
Axis and view drawings
Roof plan drawings
Truss drawings
Advanced drawing settings
Single Part Drawings
Assembly Drawings
3D isometric view drawings
Assembly Drawings with Single Parts
General contruction drawings
General construction drawings with single parts and assembly
Point detail drawings
User-defined annotations
Foundations Analysis and Design
Automatic design of pad bases and strip footings
FE analysis of foundation systems
FE analysis and design of raft foundations
Automatic analysis and design of retaining walls
Seismic analysis and design of piles
Creating piles under raft foundations
Optional using pseudo coupled winkler springs for raft foundations
Changing column-foundation connection size in raft foundation superstructure interaction
Soil-Strcuture interaction
Punching shear check
Performance-Based Design
Complete Automation of Performance-Based Design
Concrete Material Models with Performance Levels (Confined and Unconfined)
Concrete Fiber Models for Shear Walls and Columns
Distributed Plasticity Modeling of Reinforced Concrete Shear walls
Pushover Analysis
Incremental Response Spectrum Analysis
Performance based design for different ground motion level
Nonlinear reinforcement material model
Moment curvature analysis under axial force and biaxial bending
Plastic hinge model in reinforced concrete columns and beams
Multi mode pushover analysis
Single-Mode Pushover Analysis
Linear performance analysis
Calculation and Assessment of nonlinear deformation and internal forces
Automatic performance design for concrete model and reinforcement arrangement
Derivation of nonlinear force-deformation relations using Fiber model
Automatic calculation of performance point
Soil-Strcuture interaction for pushover analysis
Confined and unconfined nonlinear concrete material model
Structural Retrofitting of Existing Buildings
Control of reinforcements and internal forces for existing buildings
Ability to examine building damage information on 3D model
All Performance-Based Design Features
Linear performance analysis and assessment of existing buildings
Risk Assessment of existing buildings
Nonlinear analysis
Column jacketing design
New shear walls in existing RC buildings
Fiber-Reinforced polymers
Retrofit structure detailing
Training and Support
Technical support directly from professional structural engineers
Dedicated support portal with Extensive knowledge base, documentation and community
Online training videos
Pricing Options
Trial License (No Time Limit) Free Free Free
Perpetual License - Pay one-time and use lifetime $ 4560 $ 8845 $ 9900
Technical Support, Updates, and Fixes for Perpetual License $ 912 $ 1710 $ 1980
Subscription for Three Years - Including Support and Updates $ 2135 $ 3390 $ 3800
At a glance The Most Innovative Multidisciplinary Building Information Modeling Platform for Architectural and Structural modeling , and detailing. The Most Innovative Multidisciplinary Building Information Modeling Platform for Structural modeling , structural analysis, structural design and detailing. The Most Innovative Multidisciplinary Building Information Modeling Platform for Architectural and Structural modeling , structural analysis, structural design and detailing.